Wooden Garage Door Repair

Appalachian DIY shares tips and tricks for repairing a wooden garage door. Affordable garage door repairs are a great way to save on costs. Wooden garage doors often fail because the wood boards rot and need to be replaced.

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Faulty garage doors are an eyesore, and more importantly, are a safety and security risk. This video will help you get your garage door back in a fully functional state and better protect your property.

You do not have to spend a fortune to repair your garage door. You will need a few tools and some wood to make the repairs. Appalachian DIY shares a step-by-step process to remove the old rotted wood and replace it with new wood. Removing the bad wood requires the proper hand tools to remove the hardware. Once all the hardware is removed, the rotted wood needs to be cut away. This step-by-step guide can talk you through the complete process. Your garage door will be as good as new, and as an added bonus you will save a ton of money. When it comes to affordable garage door repairs there is nothing more affordable than doing it yourself.


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