Strong Door Locks are the Best Deterrent to Burglars

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Doors have many meanings in our culture. An open door indicates a welcome, a closed door could hide a mystery. A door is of course a means of entry and exit, but it also represents safety and security. It makes a home or property a safe haven, where no intruders can go, so long as there is a secure lock on the door. Home and commercial door locks make your home or business a secure space, protecting lives and property.

Burglaries are one of the commonest types of crime
Burglaries are unfortunately a commonplace occurrence and the FBI reports that in 2013, there were were 1.9 million burglaries across the country. These resulted in property loss worth $4.5 billion. There are 2,000,000 home burglaries every year in the U.S. and one burglary takes place every 13 seconds.
Homes are burgled more often than any other type of property. In 2013, residential burglaries made up a whopping 74% of all burglaries. And rented homes tend to be targeted more often by burglars. Rented homes and properties are 85% more likely to be burgled than owner-inhabited homes.

Burglaries happen in broad daylight
Forget the cartoonish images of burglars sneaking around in the dark and crawling in through windows. Burglars are a canny lot and know when a front door has insecure locks. In 2013, 59% of all burglaries were accompanied by forced entry and break ins. As many as 34% of all burglaries and break ins actually happen through the front door. And the majority of burglaries take place in broad daylight.
Doors are the weak point in your home’s defenses. Break ins and burglaries happen via doors, and frequently through front doors. Statistics show that doors without secure locks are the weakest point of a home. Like everyone else, burglars take the easiest route and prefer to use an insecure front door. In one home out of ten, even the deadbolts are not installed correctly, giving burglars an easy way to enter your house.

Secure locks are the best deterrent
Fortunately, secure home and commercial door locks installed by a locksmith in roselle il, can be the best deterrent. Burglars tend to leave homes with secure locks and doors alone, since there are so many easier targets. Knowing a reliable locksmith in your area can be an essential part of settling into a new home or building. With secure residential or commercial door locks, you know you, your family and property are safe.
Whether the burglars come prepared or they’re just taking a chance, they know a secure door when they see one, and will leave it alone.

Whether you’re looking to improve safety, find help in case of an accidental lockout, installing a door or changing locks, knowing where to go for residential or commercial door locks makes your life smoother. Besides installing locks and deadbolts, locksmiths can help you to install commercial replacement doors and door frames, copy different types of keys, and generally give you good advice on home safety and security. Doors are the weakest point in your home’s defenses but with a secure lock, they can become the best deterrent to break ins and burglaries.

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