Many people do not like to spend a lot of time thinking about toilets. After all, toilets are not exactly a pleasant topic. What people do when they are around toilets is generally not something that a lot of people like to talk about or that is considered proper to talk about. However, there is no denying that toilets are very important. If people do not have access to toilets, after all, they will not be able to do a very important function and will perhaps have to resort to other means that are considered to be extremely unsanitary. It is always a good idea to know a little bit about how toilets work and how to recognize signs that there is something wrong with them.
If you find yourself in a position where you have to learn a lot about toilets, you might have many questions. For example, you might wonder, how do I deal with leak repair when it comes to a 28 inch toilet? What do I need to know about bathroom toilet plumbing? What is the best easy clean toilet? What is the best economical toilet? Most of the time, a professional who works in this area will be able to answer these questions for you.

Below are a few not-so-obvious signs that toilet repair should be in your immediate future.It’s not always easy to diagnose your plumbing problems. Sure, in the movies, toilet repair is the dramatic result of geysers of awful spewing up into the main character’s face, or water-logged tile floors that need immediate attention. In the real world however, toilet repair needs can be so subtle that you might not even think about finding a plumber until years after your plumbing repair needs have really begun.
1. Your toilet isn’t flushing as strong as it once was.
We’ve all gotten up at 3AM to do our business and then been disappointed with the water pressure when we hit the handle. While it’s true this could have nothing to do with your actual toilet and more to do with the water line, it might be worth getting checked out by a licensed plumber. Sometimes, mineral build-up can impede water flow and leave less than desirable things hanging around post-flush.
2. You suspect a leak, either in the tank or at the base of the toilet.
It can really be hard to tell if your tank is leaking. Unexplained puddles in between showers is one sign. Dripping noises or the sound of running water long after the toilet’s been flushed is another. Do NOT ignore a leak, no matter how small. Toilets account for 30% of household water usage. If left alone, the average minor household leak can lead to 10,000 gallons of wasted water a year. That’s enough water to do your laundry nearly every other day! Not only is this terrible for the environment, it’s losing you money. Corrected leaks can save you and your family up to 10% on water bills a year. That may not seem like a lot, but when we’re talking about money you’re literally flushing down the toilet, suddenly its worth inflates.
3. You can’t get your toilet clean anymore.
Now you might be thinking “Wait, what does this have to do with plumbing?”. Well, a plumber will be able to tell the difference between garden variety grime and mineral buildup/oxidization that may mean you should invest in a new toilet bowl. If you’ve been spending far too much time lately scrubbing down the porcelain goddess, get a trained professional in there to validate your feelings of scouring futility.
“Yeah yeah, how much?”
This is a fair question. You probably have at least three friends ready to tell you all about the time a plumber pulled one over on them. Well, the good news is, most toilet repairs cost between $75 and $200. What’s more, we live in the age of Google, so before calling anyone, get online and figure out the reasonable range of repair for your suspected problem. If the plumber tells you they need to order a special part etc., don’t just take that at face value. Google the part too! You (and the internet), are your own best advocate.
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