Top Four Reasons You Should Replace Your Windows Or Front Door

Window installation

Thinking of trying out a little home improvement? You’ll want to start with your front doors. They’re the entryway to your home, the literal barrier between you and the outside world — they do everything from keeping your home warm to keeping you and yours safe throughout the night. Likewise, poorly installed windows or doors can put you at risk for any number of inconveniences and potential dangers! Whether it’s trying out Pella sliding patio doors or looking up different types of windows, this is one home improvement project you’re not likely to regret any time soon. Let’s take a look at the top four reasons you should consider putting a door buying guide on your to-do list.

Eliminate Noise

Starting off with one of the lesser known issues of low quality installation — did you know you can cut your noise pollution in half by switching out your windows or doors? Insulated or double-pane windows with either 1/4 of an inch to a full inch of air (also called ‘argon’) between the pane is prime for cutting noise and creating, if you’ll pardon the pun, a more sound house. According to the 2015 Remodeling Impact Report, homeowners who replaced their windows gave their Joy Score a 9.4 on a scale of 10. Not bad!

Raise Your Median Value

For those looking to sell their home soon, installing Pella sliding patio doors or a replacement window will go a long way in bolstering your ROI. According to the 2016 Cost v.s. Value report, it was found a fiberglass entry door replacement yielded a stunning 82% return on the investment! When over half of all homeowners budget at least $10,000 or more on their upcoming outdoor projects, it’s essential you keep in mind how your money circulates back your way in the long run. A recently conducted NAR poll discovered as many as 90% of potential home buyers will start their property search with browsing photos on the Internet, so putting your best foot forward is key!

Reduce Energy Costs

Tired of an astronomically high energy bill? You’re definitely not alone. Leaky and inefficient windows and glazed doors account for at least 25% of the average household’s energy bills, discovered by ongoing studies by the U.S. Department of Energy. Both heat and cold can slip through the cracks and cause you to turn on your thermostat or air conditioner more than you’d like in any given extreme season. If you want to cut energy costs by as much as 15%, invest in double-pane windows or doors with heat-resistant coatings — your wallet will thank you!

Stay Safe

Installing Pella sliding patio doors or replacement windows isn’t just energy efficient and economically savvy — it’s vital if you want to stay safe. Studies have found a whopping 33% of intruders will enter the home through the front door, with hollow doors being exceptionally easy to kick in. Many old-fashioned homes are still equipped with old wooden models and hollow frames, so consider replacing your entry door with either a solid wood or metal clad door to help you sleep easy at night. All this and more adds up to why new doors and windows are one of the most beloved home projects for homeowners in America.

Installing Doors

A little goes a long way and nowhere is that more clear than the countless economic benefits of Pella sliding patio doors and energy efficient windows. You’ll spend less on your energy bill every month, boost the ROI of your home, eliminate noise pollution and, most of all, stay safe at any given time of day. Your local window installation company will have countless models available for your perusal, so don’t hesitate to ask questions so you can get the most bang for your buck. Where will you start on your home improvement checklist?

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