Three Tips That Will Help You Save Money On Air Conditioning

Air conditioning maintenance

Air conditioning is one of those things that you don’t fully notice until it’s gone. While it isn’t something that we necessarily need to live like food and water, you certainly become dependent on air conditioning systems for your comfort. For that matter, many people find that when they live in particularly extreme climates, air conditioning services are in fact quite necessary. Without them, you can become more quickly dehydrated and even risk becoming quite ill. But really — if you do have an air conditioning system — which most American homeowners do — you shouldn’t have to suffer it performing poorly or breaking anyway. Yet many of us do, simply because we don’t know how our HVAC systems work, or how easily an HVAC company can fix what we consider big issues. Of course, some problems are bigger than others, which could necessitate a replacement rather than a repair. But even then, air conditioning contractors are there to help you determine when it’s better to attempt a repair, and when it’s time to cut your losses and buy a new unit. The more you know about your options when it comes to HVAC systems, the more money you will be able to save. Below, we’ll discuss a few things that air conditioning contractors think homeowners should know about their HVAC systems — they could help you in the future.

1. Air Conditioning Systems Typically Have Set Lifetimes

Unless you built your home from the ground up yourself — in which case you probably know a thing or two about your AC services — it’s likely that the HVAC unit you have now is the one that was in your house when you moved in. We just don’t think about the age of our HVAC units, especially if they’re running fairly well. Often, we become so used to the underperformance of such units that we don’t realize that they’re underperforming in the first place. You may not even know how old your HVAC system is at all. But as with any service, the older a HVAC system is, the more likely it will be to underperform, malfunction, or even break unexpectedly. The fact is that many find that an unexpected replacement to be a much bigger financial strain than a planned one — which is why it’s good to be proactive and know how old your system is; that way, you can replace it when you want to, rather than being forced to move quickly. It’s estimated that around 20% of the homes built in the 1980s have HVAC systems over 20 years old. Yet if you replace components of or even a whole HVAC system if it’s over 15 years old, you’ll probably save a lot in money that would have been spent on energy bills.

2. The More Energy Efficient An AC Unit, The More Cost Efficient It Is

Air conditioning contractors often recommend switching to newer, more energy efficient air conditioning systems even when the old ones are still fairly active. This is because your older air conditioning system is likely costing you a lot of money without your knowledge. It’s estimated that air conditioners use up about 5% of the electricity used in the United States — this equals $11 billion for homeowners. If you switch to a high-efficiency air conditioner, you can save anywhere from 20% to 50% in energy costs. Replacing your old system may cost a good bit initially, but you’ll save a lot in the long term.

3. Give Your AC Systems A Helping Hand

While AC systems can cool a home on their own, if they have “help” they will be more energy efficient. Therefore, keep your attic — if you have — well-ventilated. You should also install fans, and perhaps ask your air conditioning contractor to look at your home and offer tips particular to your structure. You should also keep an eye out for signs of inefficiency or a broken system — such as excessive dust, which could be a sign of leaky ducts.

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