AC Malfunctioning? Perhaps It’s Time for a New High-Efficiency Model

Air conditioning service

Air conditioning systems have vastly improved over the past decades. Currently, they use 50% less energy than in 1990. Roughly 66% of homes throughout the United States have air conditioners, and there are more to come. Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for example, have reported that by 2030, there will be 700 million air conditioners installed in homes.

Do you have an older air conditioning unit? In general, these will last for around 10 to 15 years when they receive regular air conditioning maintenance. When your existing system is 10 years old, however, you can potentially save 20% on your energy bills when you have it replaced with a new, energy-efficient model.

Air conditioning maintenance is needed on a regular basis in order to ensure that your system functions effectively. If you’ve noticed issues recently, then it could be the ducts. Even when you have an air conditioner that operates well, if the ducts leak, you can lose 20% to 40% of the unit’s energy efficiency. If this is occurring, you may want to find out more about ductless air conditioning systems.

Other issues that can affect an air conditioner’s efficiency include improper installation. This has been shown to decrease a house’s cooling efficiency by as much as 30%. An air conditioner repair service will be able to determine if this is the case and can re-install your unit unless you decide to purchase a new model.

Do you change your air filters often? If not, dust and debris will collect in and clog-up these states that most HVAC system filters need to be changed often. They recommend that this should be done at least once every 1 to 3 months. Furthermore, an energy-efficient HVAC system should receive a maintenance inspection twice a year to ensure that it continues to function optimally.

When you have regular, professional maintenance on your air conditioning unit, your system will last longer. Research shows that these units will have a 40% longer lifespan than their counterparts when they receive routine maintenance by a professional air conditioning service.

It’s important to note that when your unit breaks down, emergency air conditioner service is available. In order to avoid this occurring, regular routine maintenance can make a significant difference. When it’s time to purchase a new system, remember to ask your air conditioning service about ductless systems as well as high-efficiency models as these can reduce your energy costs.

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