Are You More White Subway Tile or Rainbow Mosaic Tile?

Glass wall tile

Everyone loves watching those home remodeling shows and those which showcase different features of different homes for potential buyers. There is just something intriguing about seeing all the different options and envisioning how they could fit into one’s life. Of course, everyone has a different vision for what would fit them best, and seeing all of these different design preferences is an interesting look at what shapes, defines, or helps to express an individual and his or her lifestyle.

If you are heading into a real life version of one of those addicting television shows, chances are you have already figured out that the process of revamping your life and your home is much more complicated than a 30 minute or hour long show might depict. From sorting through kitchen backsplash ideas to deciding on ceramic tile for a bathroom, you have got your hands full. But perhaps if you can manage to envision your own remodeling project as one that you might usually be watching on TV, you can have a bit of fun as you star in your very own episode, making touch choices and putting in the hard work that will surely turn out to be more than worth it in the end.

Ever thought about white subway tile?

Maybe you are pretty pumped up about the idea of ornate backsplash ideas in your kitchen. In that case, you have as many options as there are types of tiles, creative tile installers, and visions in your head. The sky is the limit, and you will certainly end up with a strong conversation piece by the time you’re through with your project. But if you are leaning more toward the subtle, traditional, or quietly elegant, white subway tile is a great go to.

White subway tile
is such a popular choice, that many professionals wonder if it might be a defining style of our current era. A strong, classic look, it is hard to go wrong with the tile style that so many seem to love. But don’t let the masses speak for you! Do some shopping around, bring home some samples, and decide for yourself what will pop in your kitchen, and what you will be happy looking at each and every day, whether it happens to be the popular white tile or any number of colorful mosaic tile designs.

Putting in the work for a stellar outcome

When you find yourself in the very center of a major home improvement project like a kitchen or bathroom construction or remodel, it can be very easy to lose sight of the end goal and begin to get overwhelmed. But just remember that you started this project for a reason. You were ready to be done with the old room. It wasn’t you, and it wasn’t working out. Keep that lovely, lofty end goal in mind. Envision the final result every day before you begin to work, if you need a bit of extra motivation. And keep in mind just how worth it your new room will be, in more ways than one.

The number one most requested remodeling job across the country is for bathrooms. One survey showed that bathrooms account for 78% of home renovation projects. Updated or added bathrooms can result in a return on investment of over 86%. The second highest most requested project is kitchen renovations, at 69%. Even a small remodeling project in the kitchen can leave you with a return on investment of almost 83%. Not that money should be the only enticing factor, but it sure doesn’t hurt!

Your home should have the look and feel that you want it to have. Don’t be afraid to be the star of your home makeover project, and reach that big reveal of falling in love with your home all over again, crazy mosaic rainbow pattern or white subway tiles and all.

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