Chemistry Information Assists Workers in Many Different Industries

The last time your son had an Organic Chemistry test the had snow and his 25 minute drive to campus was over one and a half hours in traffic making him 10 minutes late to his test. Amazingly, he still scored a 99% on the test. Today is his final in that same Organic Chemistry class and you have snow again. This time he left two hours early just in case. You are wishing him a much better travel time, but similar test results!

In a time when careers in science, engineering, math, and science are in such high demand, it is always important to make sure that there is a new generation of potential workers.

From the doctors who help keep us healthy to the engineers who design new roads and buildings, it is important that there is a steady stream of people who are trained in the math and sciences.

Unfortunately, there is sometimes a problem when too much focus is placed on careers in engineering that require years of extra schooling and extra college. For instance, it is also important to continue to encourage students to enter the trade fields like plumbing, electricity, and other kinds of contract work.

Today’s Careers Require a Wide Range of Skills

The fact of the matter is it is important to have students who are interested in a wide range of subjects and, eventually, careers. Just as there is a growing need for STEM employees, in fact, there is a continuing need for plumbers and skilled contractors. A search for “plumber near me,” for instance, might reveal a long list of possibilities, but not all of these “plumber near me” will provide the same level of quality. From water heater maintenance to small leaks in a toilet, the need for for plumber near me can be important. Finding a solution to even the smallest of leaks ca limit the damage that is done to a home.

Interestingly enough, when it comes to upgrading the actual plumbing or electrical work in a home, it is often necessary to work with an engineer to understand what the best options are. From the simplest plumbing tasks to repair a leak to the exploration of new products to make sure that you understand the most energy efficient appliances, both engineers and plumbers near me may provide the answers you are looking for:

  • 13.7% of water use is the result of leaks, according to Plumbing Manufacturers International.
  • The plumbing system in a home is composed of two subsystems that are completely separate. One subsystem brings freshwater in, while the other takes wastewater out.
  • A showerhead leaking at 10 drips a minute wastes more than 500 gallons a year. That is the amount of water it takes to wash 60 loads of dishes in a dishwasher
  • A leaky faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second, in comparison, can waste more than 3,000 gallons a year. That is an amount of water that is equivalent to what is needed to take more than 180 showers.
  • Unfortunately, as many as 10% of the households in the U.S. have leaks in their plumbing that can waste as many as 90 gallons of water every day.
  • Leaks waste up to 180 gallons of water a week in the average household, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • The average U.S. family already uses more than 300 gallons of water a day at home, so it is important to limit any unnecessary waste.
  • A trillion gallons of water, which is worth more than $6 billion, is wasted each year as the result of running toilets, leaking faucets, or other leaks.
  • One of the biggest environmental issues is that America’s aging sewer systems spill an estimated 1.26 trillion gallons of untreated sewage every single year.
  • If an undetected leak continues for a year, it could cost a property owner as much as $164.50 in those 12 months
  • Even small tasks like draining and removing the sediment from a water heater at least once a year, as recommended by experts, can help avoid future problems.

Whether you are searching for an engineer or plumber near me it is important that you find the most qualified contractor that you can afford.

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