The average homeowner may not put much thought into floor coatings like garage floor coatings and ceramic floor coating materials. After all, they might leave that to the professionals who deal with flooring every day. While you don’t need to become an expert in epoxy flooring equipment or understand everything there is to know about textured floor coating, you still might benefit from learning about floor coatings if you’re a homeowner or a landlord. If you’re aware of common pitfalls of floor coatings such as decorative epoxy and understand why floor paint protection could help protect your flooring, you can ask flooring specialists the right questions and request the appropriate services when you notice the coatings on your floors need some work.
Even the most inexperienced home improvement hobbyist can upgrade their home improvement skills if they dive into different types of floor coating and what each one might need in terms of maintenance. Even if you don’t know how to spot issues with your floor coating or understand why flooring specialists might apply one coating over another, knowledge is power. As you read the information below, take some notes and consider how it could benefit your flooring and if these options would be right for you.
Concrete flooring is ideal in many places. For one thing, you likely have concrete flooring if you have a garage, as a garage flooring can sustain a good deal of wear and tear over the years and concrete flooring is very durable indeed. In addition to this, concrete flooring is often found in restaurant kitchens as well as in loading docks and other areas where manual labor is key. Warehouse floors are also often concrete. Concrete is, after all, incredibly long lasting, especially when it is cared for well.
The use of concrete must be coupled with the use of a residential floor coating or commercial floor coating, depending on where said floor coating is going to be utilized. Without a floor coating of some kind on your concrete floor, the chances of a slip and fall accident occurring are much too high. After all, slip and fall accidents are already hugely prevalent all throughout the United States, making up more than 80% of all worker’s compensation claims. In restaurants, hotels, and various other public buildings, slip and fall accidents are very much the leading cause of all accidents seen.
And, unfortunately, some slip and fall accidents can be very serious and very difficult to recover from. The data that has been gathered on the subject is more than in support of this claim, as this data has found that more than one fifth (around 22%) of all slip and fall accidents require more than a month of recovery time before the victim of the accident is able to go back to work. In some cases, the most serious and tragic ones, slip and fall accidents have even been known to lead to death. And though this is rare, it is something that has happened and that will likely to continue to happen if steps are not taken to mitigate the problem, especially when it comes to concrete flooring.
Fortunately, there are a number of coatings for concrete floors out there. You have likely heard enough about epoxy coatings to be somewhat familiar with them. After all, epoxy coatings are used all throughout the United States. Epoxy coatings, however, are actually not the best option when it comes to floor coatings, especially for concrete flooring. Polyaspartic coatings for concrete flooring actually have many more benefits. And polyaspartic coatings have actually been in use for at least two decades now, making them something of a tried and true method for coating concrete floors (and even other types of flooring as well) and preventing slip and fall accidents.
For one thing, polyaspartic floor coatings can be applied and utilized quite a bit more quickly than other types of floor coatings, such as the aforementioned epoxy floor coating. For instance, a polyaspartic floor coating will typically be fully cured in no more than eight total hours – and sometimes even as few as six hours. This cannot be said for epoxy coatings. As a result of this, it is not uncommon to finish the installation and curing process for polyaspartic coatings within the span of just one single day, though this is something that will certainly depend on a somewhat wide variety of factors, such as the size of the concrete flooring in question.
Polyaspartic coatings are also known to be quite long lasting, at least in a direct comparison to other alternatives. As a matter of fact, epoxy coatings can begin to turn brittle after a period of only just a year. In the vast majority of cases, you will not run this risk with polyaspartic coatings. Therefore, polyaspartic coatings are by and the large the better investment, one that allows you to get the maximum amount of bang for your buck, so to speak.
At the end of the day, slip and fall accidents should be taken very seriously indeed. After all, they can lead to a myriad of health issues, even including death. Fortunately, the use of floor coatings like polyaspartic floor coatings can help to reduce the chances of such accidents ever happening in the first place, something that can most certainly be beneficial in the lives of many people throughout the United States, especially those working in high risk fields.
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