Finding the Good During the Most Stressful of Times

Knowing how and when to have a conversation about the current conditions involving the pandemic is stressful itself. Knowing, for instance, that conversations about whether or not the pandemic is even real can spark a debate, just how do you find a way to talk to family and friends. And even though denial is usually not an approach that promotes good mental health, it appears that you need to sometimes set the current health crisis aside if you want to be able to talk and interact with others successfully.
Creating a list of safe outdoor activities is one way that many families are finding a way to interact with families and friends. Consider some of these options for FINDING THE GOOD in an effort to create the healthiest interactions with those outside your immediate household:

  • Fishing at a local lake with your family or friends is a way to both enjoy nature and learn to slow and quiet down.
  • Instead of having to dodge conversations about the current situation, consider copying favorite family photos and enjoy the conversations and memories that these images generate.
  • Nights watching the sun set are a some of the best ways to end the 24 hour cycle that can seem all too monotonous at this time.
  • Day time activities that help you get outside are some of the best recommendations. The combination of fresh air and a vision of an environment that is bigger than yourself makes for a better and more healthy attitude.
  • Individual preferences can vary, so be willing to cycle through the options that all of the family members in your family have when it comes to spending time together.
  • Neighbors who have often been to busy to linger in conversation in the past, are now finding that they can now take the time to talk for hours on end. Getting up to date information about the children who used to live next to you is a great way to spend an evening.
  • Going to a drive in movie theater again is an option in many parts of the country. Large, empty parking lots are being transformed into these spaces that allow families and small groups of friends to share in an experience that screams of the old time values.

  • The best way to make sure that you are able to deal with things that are out of your control is to focus on something you can control. By making decisions about how you spend the time with your family to giving extra attention to your home, you can find a way to control some parts of your life.
  • Home improvement projects like updating door and cabinet hardware and accessories, hanging interior barn doors, and installing display case lighting can keep both your mind and your body busy.
  • Eestimates indicate that as many as 47% of Millennials are likely to choose white kitchen cabinets, compared to 41% of Baby Boomers. No matter what your color of choice, however, there is something powerful about making your home look its best.

  • Going back to 2018, research indicated that as many as 14% of homeowners planned to make improvements to their kitchens that year. Knowing that you can customize the smallest details like door and cabinet hardware and accessories can help you stay busy while also helping you understand there are still things within your control.
  • One indication of just how therapeutic home remodeling can be is the fact that home owners remodel more than 10.2 million kitchens and 14.2 million bathrooms every year.
  • Ownership is powerful and finding something you can control is helpful.
  • Decorating decisions like door and cabinet hardware and accessories, the use of innovative furniture paint, and other kinds of kitchen updates can pull you away from technology and the news and focus on work you can do to make your days at home more enjoyable.

Looking for the good can also help you transition from a sense of helplessness to a busy weekend of work to make your home look pleasing as well. And whether you are going to tackle the small task of changing out the door and cabinet hardware and accessories in your kitchen or work on planting new flowers in your garden, there is always a way to focus on something productive.

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