Ever since the late 1800s, light bulbs have become the new standard for artificial lighting, easily outclassing candles. By now, many different types of light bulbs are available, from traditional fluorescent ones to induction lamps for sale and high power LED displays, among others. Some light bulb models offer distinct advantages, and today, a light bulb’s power usage and energy efficiency are quite important. This may be why induction lamps for sale often prove popular, and induction lighting for parking lots is the norm. LED lights, for their part, are arguably the next big step forward in light bulb technology. What can they do? And what about induction lamps for sale?
All About Induction Lighting
Some light bulbs make use of filaments and electrodes, but these pieces of hardware run the risk of burning out or getting damaged, and they are not always energy efficient. By contrast, induction lamps for sale do not even have electrodes or filaments at all. Instead, they electrically excite gases inside the bulb, and this provides light. As a result, these induction bulbs boast very long life spans; a well tended bulb may last an incredible 100,000 hours, which is good since many of them are used for long periods at a time. Parking garages, for example, are required by law to be illuminated at all times for the safety and convenience of occupants, so induction lamps are installed all over these garages. Such bulbs are energy efficient, which is good for the environment, and such lighting boasts a high efficacy, too. Often, it may be as high as 60 or 70 lumens per watt, or even more. Still, it should be noted that a broken bulb might release hazardous gases and elements, such as mercury. So, they should be handled and disposed of with care.
How much power do light bulbs across the U.S. use up, anyway? Statistics from the Department of energy say that around 22% of all electricity generated across the nation is used for lighting, everywhere from the lights in houses to warehouse lighting arrays and the many overhead lights found in offices and hotels. Lighting alone accounts for 11% of all energy use in residential structures, and 18% of all energy in commercial buildings. Some structures, such as warehouses, use up a lot of power for lighting if they never close. Night shift workers will need light more than ever, and the bulbs will stay on after the day workers leave and night workers arrive. Some buildings never sleep, and they keep their lights on 24/7.
The Arrival of LEDs
Induction lamps have their uses, but they have competition in the form of LEDs, or “light emitting diodes.” LEDs are often considered a marvel in lighting technology, since LEDs are more energy efficient than any other bulb, and like induction lamps for sale, fresh LEDs do not have electrodes or filaments and thus last a long time. LEDs may last for some 50,000 hours, and they rarely suffer maintenance issues. In fact, LEDs only use 15% of the energy that standard halogen lights use, but provide as much as 85% more light output. Put another way, modern LEDs are 67 times more energy efficient than conventional incandescent lights, and they may slash energy use by 80% or so. The U.S. Department of Energy has estimated that LED lighting may reduce American energy usage by as much as 50%, if enough LEDs are used and they penetrate the market thoroughly enough.
Where can LEDs be used? Practically anywhere, since they are not giant, fragile bulbs. Rather, LED arrays are made up of many smaller lights working in tandem, and these arrays can be small enough to form a handheld flashlight or be large enough to act as overhead indoor lighting. LEDs can also be used for traffic lights and vehicle brake lights, and they even feature on fishing boats. LED arrays can be strung up on a fishing boat to keep the area well lit at night. LEDs are also used for outdoor lighting, such as the waist-height lamp posts that are found on a building’s front grounds and along a garden pathway. They provide energy-efficient safety lighting during the night.
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