When it comes to the care and keeping of your home, there is no denying that a great deal of time, money, and effort goes into it. After all, keeping your home in good condition requires a good deal of upkeep and being a home owner requires itself a lot of dedication and care. No matter how well you have kept up your home, however, there will likely come a time to make home renovations. Renovating your home can, after all, benefit you in a number of different ways.
For one thing, renovating your home is something that can bolster the overall quality of said home. You can improve your experience living there through home renovations, as these home renovations create a more aesthetically appealing space as well as one that is easier to use (if you have decided to install new appliances, that is). And renovating your home can also increase the overall value of your home, something that is also not to be underestimated. When you boost the value of your home, selling it is much more likely to be an easier, less stressful process. And when the home in question has been recently updated and remodeled, it is easy to see how said home might even garner more money as well, something that is certainly an ideal for just about every home owner out there.
But what should you remodel when you remodel your home? Many people will choose to remodel their kitchen. It makes sense that this would be the case, as you spend a great deal of time in your kitchen and having a kitchen that is easy to use and appealing can even make it all the more likely that you will utilize this space more frequently. There is even a correlation between the kitchen remodel and better health, as a remodeled kitchen promotes, in some ways, more home cooking. And even a minor remodel of your kitchen can pay off with an average return on investment of more than 82%.
But what should you update when you’re looking to update your kitchen? For many people, flooring is part of most kitchen remodels. In fact, more than three quarters of all people who are remodeling their kitchen space will choose to get new flooring. Flooring, after all, can look dated like just about anything else. Simply just replacing the flooring can give your kitchen a brand new, modern feel. And flooring companies can help you to find the flooring for your kitchen that will stand the test of time and the usual daily ins and outs that the average kitchen will experience.
In addition to this, many people will also choose to update their bathrooms. After all, bathrooms also have a high return on investment, one that is higher even than 86%. And bathroom renovations are also, like kitchen renovations, hugely commonplace. After all, more than 85% of all home owners who are updating their homes will choose to update their bathrooms as well. Fortunately, there are many ways to change up your bathroom and make it a better, more enjoyable space.
For one thing, increasing the size of your tub and shower is a great way to improve your bathroom, be it the master bathroom or another bathroom in your home. Nearly one third (around 30%, to be just a bit more exact) of all people who remodel their bathrooms have plans to improve the size of the shower, increasing it by at least 50%, if not even more. This alone can make the experience of using said bathroom all the more largely pleasant and enjoyable, making it so that the residents of the home want to spend as much time there as possible (and as is necessary).
Of course, replacing the toilet itself is also something of considerable importance. More and more people are moving towards the low flush toilet, something that can help to save water in the home, something that is not only good from a financial standpoint, but from an environmental one as well. After all, the standard American toilet actually accounts for more than one fifth of all water used in our homes (around 24% of it, to be more precise). Replacing it saves money and the planet.
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