Save Your Health With A Walk In Tub

Walk in bathtubs

A walk in bathtub is a smart purchase for any care giver to a senior citizen. With the use of walk in bathtubs, it is very easy to cut out the risk of a slip or of a fall as that senior citizen gets in or out of the basin. Most walk in tubs feature a door that will swing open and close. This door will help keep water in the tub. The basin of a walk in tub is often built so that water will flow away from the door. The water will flow to a drain on the other end of the basin. Some of these tubs are built for shower use only. There are some walk in tub models on the market that allow the user to soak in a bath as well.

Extra features for safety can be bought along with the tub. Safety hand rails, remote water flow and temp controls, easy to reach rests or other options can be included. The rests can make it easy for a senior citizen or a person with an injury, handicap or disability to reach their soap, shampoo, conditioner and more.

Before you buy a walk in tub, do some price checking. You might be able to find a clearance on a great tub that will fit right in with your current bathroom. Make sure the size, water hookups, safety features and color are all to your liking before you buy the tub.

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