Experiencing Problems with Your AC? Three Facts That Might Help You Out

Heating repair phoenix

Did you know that approximately 75% of homes in the Midwest have central air conditioning? There are many benefits to air conditioning that we might not initially realize. A lower home temperature in summer months, for example, helps reduce the risk of insect and parasites infesting your home. Cool air circulating feels good, but it also helps keep air from becoming filled with allergens that might aggravate respiratory problems. In other words, there are a lot of reasons people have their AC. But what happens when something goes wrong? Here are three points about AC repair that will help you out.

1. Air Conditioning Troubleshooting

Before calling up air conditioning repair, you should try and identify what the issue is, especially because there are a few minor problems you can fix on your own. The problems most people experience are that the condenser won’t run, there is uneven cooling, inadequate cooling, no cooling, or a condenser that turns on and off. Some common issues to check for? Make sure no fuses are blown first. If that’s not the problem, many issues lead back to a dirty evaporator. If your evaporator is accessible, you should be cleaning it once a year. Clean the underside of the evaporator with a stiff brush, and clean the tray below the evaporator unit.

2. What to Expect if You Can’t Fix it Yourself

If your AC repair problem is larger than something you can handle by yourself, you’re going to need to call in a professional. Ask family and friends for recommendations, and check out reviews online to see how the local community rates different AC and heating repair services. If you have an older home, there is a chance that you will need your entire HVAC system replaced. In the U.S., about 20% of homes built in the 80’s now have heat and air conditioning units older than 20 years old. A serious repair will cost around $600, but a complete AC replacement will be around $3,000 to $5,000.

3. How You Can Keep the AC and Heating Repair Services at Bay

Proper upkeep is important for avoiding the hundreds of dollars in maintenance fees you’ll otherwise have to pay. Make appointments to have your HVAC system checked out once a year. A maintenance professional, or you yourself, can check the refrigerant level, clean blower components, and clean condenser and evaporator coils. Not only will this help your system run smoothly, but it will be more efficient as well. Airflow issues can reduce efficiency by up to 15%.

Have any tips for AC and heating repair services? Find more on this topic here.

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