How American Construction Is Leading The Worldwide Industry

New jersey equipment rental

Construction is the backbone of modern society. Without the constant efforts of construction equipment rental services and soft dig rentals many businesses and industries would struggle to deliver on multiple fronts. From a desire to save money while not skimping out on quality, independent contractors and large businesses alike are seeking out different types of equipment to meet their needs.

How Is American Construction?

The construction industry in the West is one of the most influential worldwide. It boasts a market share of around 10% year after year, making it the second largest construction market on a consistent basis. There are more than seven million men and women currently employed in the construction industry, working in fields ranging from repair to drafting to management.

How Are Industry Figures?

Ongoing studies have been analyzed on a yearly basis to get a good handle on American construction figures and where they may go in the future. The roofing industry is expected to grow to $5 billion over the next few years — over 50,000 establishments are currently engaged in installation, roofing, siding and sheet metal work. Overall, this value has regularly reached $31 billion and even surpassed it on occasion.

What Are Common Equipment Rentals?

One of the prevailing necessities of the construction industry is finding reliable and affordable equipment to meet the standards of many different jobs. Alongside crawler dozers, crawler excavators and aerial work platforms the recent wheel loader models have ranked among the most important product categories back in 2011.

What Other Equipment Rentals Should I Know About?

Whether it’s for a soft dig rental or an attempt at meeting aerial lift training requirements, the right heavy equipment will go a long way in helping your business save money and minimize the chance for error. The most common attachment for a telehandler in the industry are pallet forks — both the agricultural and mainstream industry see this equipment frequently used. As such, the most common application of this technology is to move loads to and from places considered unreachable by a conventional forklift.

Which Equipment Is Best For Me?

The United States will see sales of light construction equipment increasing by nearly 11%, with commercial buildings worth approximately $300 billion. The year 2015 saw the global construction equipment market estimated at nearly $145 billion, emphasizing that demand will only continue to grow in response to an expanding market and client base. Due to the delicate nature of a soft dig rental, equipment that puts an emphasis on low energy and minute detail will help both workers and clients get what they need. When it comes to equipment and technology, the future will only continue to hold better options.

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