6 Benefits to Ductless Systems for Heating and Cooling Your Home

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Modern heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems make life a lot more comfortable all over the United States. In fact, it is hard to imagine life, in many areas of the country, without them. The newest trend for heating and cooling systems is ductless systems. There are many advantages to using them. Here are a few:

  1. Ductless systems give you more flexibility with your HVAC needs. Ductless systems direct hot or cold air into the different areas of your home directly. By contrast, HVAC systems with ducts, force the heated or cooled air through those ducts and it goes everywhere in the home. The systems that do not use ducts will have one unit that is located outside and one (or more) units inside. All you need to install these is some way to mount the unit and a connection to a power source. Other names for these kinds of systems are split systems, multi-split systems and split-ductless systems. You can put them wherever you need heating and/or cooling.
  2. They are more cost effective to run. These systems can be great replacements for traditional window units. One of the main reasons homeowners like ductless systems for heating and cooling is that they offer a significant cost savings over other kinds of HVAC systems. When the HVAC system rely on ducts, there is a lot of inefficiency built into the process. Inefficiency is expensive when it comes to heating and cooling a home or a business. Ductless HVAC systems use a lot less power than those that rely on ducts because they are more efficient. No hot or cold air is lost in the ductwork. You also have more control over what parts of your home will be heated or cooled.
  3. Tax breaks may be available. Many utility companies offer rebates when homeowners have ductless HVAC systems installed in their homes. Likewise, state and local governments often offer tax incentives to get homeowners to make the switch from systems that rely on ducts to those that do not. There may also be federal tax rebates that are available to make that switch.

    Using ductless heating and cooling systems is great for the environment. More and more homeowners are looking for ways to have a greener home that has a smaller carbon footprint. All ductless heating and cooling systems adhere to the strict Energy Star specifications. They are much more energy efficient than traditional heating andamp; air conditioning systems. Using less energy will mean that the carbon footprint of your home is much smaller. These systems also use a different cooling chemical. They use a refrigerant called R410A. Experts say this has absolutely no potential to deplete ozone from the environment. When it comes to cooling your home, you can also feel good knowing you are not having a negative impact on the environment.

  4. They work wonders to get and keep your indoor air clean. If you want to have the same impact on your indoor air and you have a traditional HVAC system that uses ducts, you need to have professional HVAC contractors come in and clean your system on a regular basis. When you have a ductless system, you get the clean air without the hassle or the expense. This means pollen, pet danger, bacteria and dust are all removed from your indoor air.
  5. Ductless systems are really easy to put in. When you have a traditional HVAC system with ducts installed, it takes weeks and is disruptive to the rest of your life. The same cannot be said of ductless systems. You can have your entire system up and working to heat and cool your space in as short a time as one day. The other great news about this is that if you add a room (or a wing!) onto you home, you can easily add to your HVAC system when you have one that does not have ducts. This makes it easier to switch up your heating and cooling system.

It is hard to pick the best thing about ductless systems for heating and cooling. They are cheaper, more efficient, more versatile and better for the environment.

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