How To Properly Soundproof Your Music Room At Home

Sound absorbing ceiling panels

Are you an employed musician or someone who simply likes to play music in their spare time? Does your family, roommates or neighbor complain often about the noise that comes from your home or apartment? It can be tricky to play music at the level you enjoy when other people can hear your sound. It limits when you can play your music, at what sound level and for how long you can play. Whether it is for your job or for a hobby, it is always less enjoyable when you are restricted for one reason or another.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to add sound isolation wall panels or acoustic ceiling materials to a specific room in your home for soundproofing walls and to soundproof ceilings. Interested in learning more about the soundproofing process and why it is important to be considerate to others when it comes to sound levels? Keep reading for information about everything from sound isolation wall panels to sound waves.

Whether you play music for a hobby or you are one of about 173,300 people who work as musicians in the United States, having a proper place to practice in is essential. The music industry is also expected to grow over the years about three percent in total by 2024.

So, what all goes into soundproofing a room with sound isolation wall panels or acoustic ceiling panels?

Off the bat, one of the main things to note is the one percent rule. For every one percent of open or unobstructed area, around fifty percent of noise will make it through. The more surfaces or objects in the room, the more sound waves will be hindered as they move about.

There are four main tactics used when beginning the process of soundproofing a room. You must focus on adding mass, damping, decoupling and filling air gaps throughout the room. Although these are the four areas to focus on, there are many other things to consider depending on the frequency of the sound and the type of room.

For instance, decoupling can cause some problems if you are trying to block low frequencies in your room. The resonance of the wall is part of the problem for decoupling with low frequencies. Instead try the damping method if your wall gap is less than 1 inch thick. This will help work against this effect caused by decoupling.

Acoustic wedge panels are another product to purchase to help with traveling noise when you are practicing in different rooms in your home or apartment. These are a great option if you are trying to block both high and low frequency sound levels. You will not have to worry about them only blocking either high frequencies noises or low frequency noises. Additionally, it is recommended that you select acoustic wedge panels that are twelve inches by twelve inches with a two inch curve depth.

You may be wondering why you should have to soundproof your home or apartment with products like sound isolation wall panels just because someone else is bothered by the sound. Well, it is actually very important to consider how sound can affect different people?s ears and hearing. Too much noise can actually be very detrimental to one?s health. When noise increases above 40 decibels, it can actually increase risk for diseases like heart disease in some individuals.

Even for things like noise at work, the gym or other activities, many people are exposed to such high frequencies of sound for an extended period of time that it can cause high frequency hearing loss. For those ages 20-69, around 15 percent total can suffer from this. You should avoid being around noise that is higher than 85 decibels for extended periods of time if you can. There is a likelihood that this noise level could cause damage to your hearing.

Are you ready to get started soundproofing your music room? Have you already soundproofed yours? Let us know in the comments what process you used or what your plan is for soundproofing your home.

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