So many options are available with the gardening needed in your backyard. Most of you are part of the more than 117 million Americans who completed some sort of home gardening during 2017. With this being a largely annual activity for homeowners, a yard garden is helpful for the growth of flowers or even for the growth of vegetables and herbs.
Consumers Shopping at The Garden Store
As of 2016, individual consumers spent just over $141 each in the garden store in order to work on their home garden work. Most of these are creation or reproduction of your own nursery, while many of you may be producing a sort of larger garden or local garden center that works as a sort of farmer’s market providing local sales.
Additional Shopping at Garden Centers
Sometimes there is more than the garden store where you will be able to find all of the items that you need for gardening at home or another location. You may have a garden center that works as a plant nursery, where plants or flowers have already bloomed and can be planted in a much more advanced and functional manner. There are many different options to search out at all of these locations for gaining the gardening needs of your household, no matter the type of garden that you work to grow. Luckily, many nurseries offer plants and succulents in a quality form so that they can be planted immediately upon arriving home.
Garden Store Market
With the number of Americans that work on gardening their yards every year, there is a large seasonal market of garden stores and garden centers around the country. As of 2017, the size of this market was about $272 billion. Additionally, there was an expected increased of an additional $10 billion in 2018 alone, leaving incredible growth annually in this market for those who have a chance to create garden stores or garden centers that sell to home gardeners and others.
Considering all of the various plants and flowers that you can purchase at a garden store, you have the ability to shop for exactly what you look to plant in your yard. There are so many different options in these garden centers that are able to fulfill your specific gardening needs. Additionally, with the growth of this market, it is likely that you will be able to continue the development of your own garden with the added amount of plants and seeds that are available at these locations, helping as the years go on with the flowers that you want for appearance and the vegetables or herbs that you want for personal use.
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