Has a Recent Hail Storm Damaged the Windows of Your Home?

If you’re a homeowner whose home has been damaged by a recent storm, your homeowner’s insurance will likely pay for damages to your roof and home exterior. Although your insurance company is likely to cover work done only by specific contractors, it’s your home – so you should have some say in whether you want to pay for additional home improvement work. You’ll need to work with a contractor with experience in local roof repairs. Your insurance company will want to send someone for a roof inspection for insurance claim details.

The roof inspector will examine your home to find all the signs of storm damage. They will want to inspect both interior and exterior surfaces. Your policy will determine the amount of reimbursement. It is your prerogative whether to pay the contractor to perform additional home upgrades or changes in appearance.

homeowner’s insurance

Some storms can result in more roof damage than others. For example, a hailstorm could cause extensive roof damage that could extend to gutters, windows, and siding. In those cases, storm damage inspections will include an inspection that pinpoints hail damage roof repair needs. Once the damage is identified, a roofer can make the necessary repairs to restore your roof.

The entire neighborhood looks like a chopped salad. Shredded tree leaves carpet the sidewalks and the streets; long standing bushes and newly planted flowers have been so pulverized they are barely recognizable. All of this damage was caused by a 10 minute hail and high wind event that stormed through the neighborhood early Tuesday morning. After many community members spent at least a portion of their Memorial Day weekend planting flowers and working on the lawn, Tuesday morning revealed images that no one wanted to see.

And in addition to all of the plants, trees, and flowers that had been damaged, there was also a significant amount of exterior damage to homes in the neighborhood. In fact, within just a few hours, phones were ringing, the emails were arriving, and door to door representatives were knocking offering their services. The need for work from roofing, siding and window companies was evident. As some home owners were just coming to grips with the fact that they were going to have to redo all of the Memorial Weekend planting and landscaping they had just completed, there were others who were already calling insurance customers to make appointments for adjusters to visit.

The Best Window Companies Offer Detailed Estimates and Certified Installations

Window installation companies are often busy with new construction and home remodeling projects. When a major storm comes through an area, however, they find that they are even more busy. Both commercial and residential windows play a significant role in adding to the beauty of a home. With the latest vinyl replacement windows, in fact, a property owner can create a clean and professional look to the outside of a home, while at the same time adding to the value of that property. The latest statistics from the National Association of Realtors, in fact, indicate that home owners who replace their windows can get back as much as 80% of their investment.

consider some of these other facts and figures about the products and benefits that window companies offer:

  • 30% of a home’s heating energy is lost through its windows, so it makes sense that many home and business owners are making investments in the latest most energy efficient products.
  • Home owners may be dealing with draftiness, windows that stick in their frames, and extremely high energy bills if windows are more than 15 years old.
  • Nearly 66% of home owners are planning on renovating, according to a recent survey.
  • When compared to single-paned products, dual-paned windows are nearly two times as effective at retaining heat and air conditioning.
  • Depending on the material, when windows are high quality and properly maintained, they can last 20 years or even longer.
  • Replacing a window costs an average of $300 to $700 for each window.

If you are one of the many people in the midwest who have woken up to a chopped salad looking yard this spring, you may need to contact a local roofing, siding, or window replacement company in addition to tending to the rehabilitaion of your yard and landscaping.

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