Here are 3 Things to Know About Electrochromic Glass and Smart Windows

There are all kinds of advancements and innovations taking place in construction and building technology. One such advancement is the development and implementation of VL4 electrochromic film, which is an important component of so-called smart windows. These are windows made with electrochromic glass that can be automatically dimmed (or brightened) when an electrical charge is passed through them. VL4 electrochromic film, as mentioned before, is a major component that goes into making smart windows. This article will be taking a look at several things you should know about electrochromic glass and smart windows in general.

  • It Can Make a Building More Energy Efficient: One thing to know about windows with a dimmable tint is that they can help to make a building more energy efficient. Window tint can block up to 79% of solar heat, keeping rooms cooler and cutting down on cooling costs. Furthermore, individuals can save up to 40% on their utility bill by tinting their windows, a large corporate building might be able to save just as much if not more.
  • It Can Block Harmful UVA Rays: Another thing to know about windows made with VL4 electrochromic film is that they can help to block out harmful UVA rays. According to a recent survey, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults believe that when they are inside, the sun can’t damage their skin, but this actually isn’t true. At least 50% of UVA rays can pass through windows. Window film is an effective solution, offering substantial indoor protection by blocking up to 99.9% of UVA radiation.
  • It is Easily Installed: And finally, a third thing to know about smart windows is that they are easily installed. One of the biggest benefits of windows made with this special film is that there’s nothing extra that goes into installing them, they go in just like a regular window, the only difference is that smart windows have the electrochromic film applied to it. This makes them very easy to install even in a large building with many windows.

In conclusion, there are several things that you should know about electrochromic glass and smart windows. These things include knowing that it can make a building more energy efficient, it can block out harmful UVA rays, and it can be easily installed. These are just a few of the things that you should know about electrochromic glass and smart windows.

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