If you’re looking to make your home a safer place, you should consider radon testing as soon as possible. After all, radon is a gas that is both odorless and invisible to the human eye, making it difficult to detect if radon testing companies are not used. And radon is far more common in the typical home than one might realize, with up to one fifteenth of all homes in the United States alone having been found to have radon levels not only reaching the action level set by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) but often exceeding it as well.
In some parts of the country, the concentration of radon in various homes is an even more pronounced one. As a matter of fact, the data that has been gathered on this subject more than backs up this claim, showing that, in seven different states, up to one third of all homes found across these states had radon levels that met or exceeded action levels. Three Native American reservations also had homes with this level of radon among them as well. If you find that you live in such a location, seeking out radon testing companies and even radon mitigation and abatement services will be more important than ever before.
Unfortunately, not hiring radon testing companies to deal with potential radon in your home is something that is all too likely to have serious repercussions at the end of the day. This is due to the fact that radon exposure – especially radon exposure over a long period of time – has been directly linked to serious health problems, health problems of such a nature that they might even end your life prematurely. Lung cancer is, to name just one example, one of the most prominent of them all. Unfortunately, lung cancer is all too often diagnosed late in the game, meaning that the patient has a greatly reduced chance of overall survival than if the cancer had been caught earlier on.
And radon exposure and lung cancer has been definitively linked by the Surgeon General of the United States. As a matter of fact, lung cancer cases linked to radon exposure (especially that long term radon exposure mentioned above) are more common than any other types of lung cancer cases, save smoking and tobacco usage. And, in fact, up to 20,000 people lose their lives to lung cancer cases caused by radon exposure over the course of just one single year, showing quite clearly the toll that radon can take, a largely invisible one until it is too late in the game to do anything about it.
Fortunately, you can help yourself and all the members of your family and household to avoid such devastation due to radon exposure simply by hiring radon testing companies, as radon testing companies can help to identify the presence of radon in your home before it is too late. In fact, radon testing companies even have a number of ways in which such things can be done. The short term radon test, for instance, is common among the typical radon testing company. This type of a radon detecting test can be used for as many as three months (or an average of 90 days, to be just a bit more specific). And long term tests also tend to be available from various radon testing companies, with said tests a form of residential radon testing that can be used for longer than the aforementioned three month period.
At the end of the day, the thought and possibility of radon being in your home is something that is certainly quite frightening indeed. As a matter of fact, there is good reason to be afraid of it, to say the very least on the subject matter. However, there are many ways in which residential radon testing companies can help to deal with the problem of radon in one’s home. If you’re looking to make sure that your home is safe for human life, radon testing companies can certainly go a long way towards making this a reality.
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