Common Mistakes in Shingle Roofing

This video is to inform viewers about mistakes you might make when working on a new roof. When it comes to having a roofing company or even being an independent roofer or doing your own roofing to save money, there are always some mistakes you might make. When it comes to making mistakes with any project you are doing, it is okay to be frustrated.

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When it comes to doing maintenance work, you want to be sure that you can fully operate and function and the best way to do that is by doing your research. Researching any new projects, especially a new roof should be done prior so that you know what you are doing. Doing research may include reading articles and websites, watching videos, and even talking to experts to get an insight into what they have done before.

There are many mistakes you can make when working on a new roof. There are about five common mistakes you can make when shingle roofing. You can possibly use a wrong nail pattern or not enough nails, use shingles on flat roofs, have poor pipe flashing installation, have an incorrect overhang, and have racking architectural shingles.

Watch this video to learn more in-depth about the common mistakes you can make when doing your new roof.


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