How To Stop and Prevent Leaky Shingles and Vents

To avoid the need for constant roof repair, you should know some basic things about roof leaks and how to handle them. Watch this video for tips on roof leaks and what you should do about them.

For starters you’ll want to do a visual check on the roof. You want to look for any holes or obvious breaks in the surface of your roof.

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Sometimes a large piece of shingle can be missing causing water to penetrate the area. These are things that can be spotted just by looking so it’s important to do this step before anything else. To replace the broken area, you want to remove the shingle that is missing pieces.

You’ll want to use a flat scraper and a hammer to pry the shingle out without damaging the other, unaffected shingles. When putting a new shingle in place, you are going to need to nail it in place. This can be done using galvanized roofing nails and a basic hammer. Then you’ll need to use roofing cement to reseal the shingles that have been altered. This step is extremely important in ensuring that your shingles stay in place after application.

When taking on roof repair by yourself it’s good to have a foundation of knowledge to start with. With any more questions or concerns, contact a local roof repair expert.

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