Do you think you may have a termite infestation? If so, it’s important to contact a residential pest control service at your earliest convenience. These insects, as you’re likely aware, can cause an extensive amount of damage to your home or business.
During an average year, termites have been known to cause $1-to-$2 billion in damages. On an annual basis, approximately 600,000 homes in the United States are affected.
Since termites only need 1/32nd of an inch to enter your home or business, it’s easy for them to do so. Depending on what species of termite invades your property, however, it could take several years before the colony is large enough to begin causing damage.
According to the University of Florida, the Formosan subterranean termite can cause more damage and in a shorter span of time. This is because their colonies are larger than native subterranean termites.
The University of Florida also reports that a single colony may be responsible for producing over 70,000 alates, or flying insects, which shed their wings shortly after flying. Once the female has found a male with which to reproduce, they will create a nest in a moist, wooded space.
The queen’s first batch of eggs will usually contain between 15-to-30 eggs. These eggs will hatch in two-to-four weeks, according to the University of Florida. In approximately one-to-two months, the queen will lay a second batch of eggs.
The process continues, and it might be three-to-five years before the colony increases to a level that will create significant damage. Basically, it will take this span of time to create additional alates that will then form their own colonies. It’s also likely that these new colonies will be formed close by, thus creating further issues with infestation.
While the Formosan subterranean termite usually enters buildings from the ground, some may create aerial colonies, according to studies mentioned by the University of Florida. In addition to attacking trees, these termites have also been shown to attack live plants in search of cellulose.
When looking for food and moisture sources, however, this species of termite has demonstrated that it will also attack the following non-cellulose materials:
- Plaster
- Plastic
- Asphalt
- Soft sheets of metal
Every year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, people spend an astronomical amount of money on Formosan termite control and the repairs necessary following the discovery of an infestation. This amounts to a minimum of $1 billion in expenditure. Other experts, however, report that this figure is closer to $2 billion.
If you believe you have a native or Formosan termite colony in your home or business, don’t postpone contacting a termite exterminator or control service. The costs of repairing the damage may increase exponentially over time.
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