Hardwood Floor Renovation Tips to Consider

If you’re considering replacing or repairing your hardwood floors, you’ve got some big decisions to make. Wood floors can add a lot of value to your home in the long run. In the short run, they can improve your quality of life. The right floors are durable, but also encourage rest and comfort. Whether you’re considering timber harvest hardwood flooring or living local premium wood or whatever else, it’s crucial to consider your specific needs.

Wood is sturdy, but it’s often a bit more expensive than other types of flooring. Further, if wood isn’t property treated, it can be vulnerable to moisture and other risk factors. It’s also possible for wood floors to be damaged if your house settles or shifts. While the best craftsman wood floors will hold up better than cheaper wood floors, you still need to be careful. Expert installation may reduce the risk of mishaps.

Keep in mind that hardwood flooring installs often take a few days or more. This could disrupt your family life a bit, but with proper planning, you can reduce, if not eliminate, serious disruptions. Still, the best way flooring can be installed is by focusing on quality, not speed.

Renovating your floors can be a great way to increase the market value and aesthetic appeal of the interior of your home. New flooring can greatly improve how a room looks and feels. You may think you can do it yourself, but you’ll need a whole mess of tools, some you’ve probably never heard of. You’ll also need experience and know-how. It’s not a fun DIY project in the least. Your best tip is to hire a professional with great reviews.

You’ll also need a plan for what to do while your floor is being worked on. If it’s in the kitchen, obviously that area may be unavailable for the time it’s being renovated. If it’s a bedroom, you’ll have to find somewhere else to sleep, and you’ll likely have to remove the bed from the room.

You’ll want to compare prices and call around for quotes on the job. You’ll probably find a wide range of different prices offered by different flooring contractors. Make sure to call private contractors in addition to corporate contractors for the best comparison.

Make sure you never pay your contractor the entire amount for the job upfront. That makes it incredibly easy for a contractor to run out on you. If they try and make you pay for the whole project upfront, just tell them no and find a better contractor.

Floor tile materials

Hardwood floors are the current modern home design. In fact, data from the National Association of REALTORS found that 54% of home buyers were willing to pay more for a home with hardwood flooring. Although older homes may not currently be equipped with hardwood flooring, the process to install them is affordable and can sometimes even be completed as a DIY project. If you are considering hardwood floors in your house, remember these important home tips.

The cost of hardwood floors will depend on many factors. It will depend on the size of your house, the shape and dimensions of each room, and the different hardwood floor types. It is important to create a budget, so you can be sure that you are sticking to it. You will want to first, measure and evaluate your hardwood floor needs. This includes measuring all rooms and hallways that the hardwood floor types will be installed in. Once you have an idea of the total square footage, compare hardwood floor types for pricing and select one that fits within your budget.

Consider current flooring
Your current flooring materials will either make your hardwood floor installation easier or more difficult. Carpet and flooring that is easily removable can quickly be torn out. However, older hardwood floors that are cracked and broken may be tougher to remove. In many cases, you may have to hire a professional for proper demolition. Sometimes, these already existing hardwood floors can be salvaged, saving you a lot of money on materials.

Hardwood floor types looks
With so many different hardwood floor types available, choose one that fits the overall theme and look of your house. You can even change up floor patterns based on the specific room. Most homeowners opt for a clean and darkened wood look in the main areas, such as the living room and dining area. If you plan to put hardwood flooring in your bedrooms, you want something a little darker and plain, as you will probably cover it with a throw rug for additional comfort.

If you are unfamiliar with the different types of hardwood floor types, visit your local home improvement store. They are likely to have a wide variety of designs on the showroom floor, allowing you to actually see them installed. If you are purchasing your hardwood flooring materials online, request a free sample. The free sample allows you to put it onto your current flooring, matching it up with the walls and other permanent fixtures.

Additional benefits of hardwood flooring
Not only does hardwood flooring look clean and upscale in a house, it is also easier to keep clean. Carpets, for example, contain small fibers that hold onto dirt and bacteria. These pollutants sit in the carpet for days, causing a reduce level of air quality. Hardwood flooring is easier to thoroughly clean. It also does not stain at the same level of carpets. Wholly 90% of homeowners prefer hardwood or tile in the kitchen for this reason. The kitchen is subject to many spills and they can easily be wiped up on the hardwood floor.

Benefits of hardwood installation
Although hardwood floor installation is a possible DIY, it is not always the best decision to do so. If you have oddly shaped rooms, uneven floors, or a large area to cover, you may want to consider professional installation. Professional hardwood installation professionals can increase the speed of the job and will leave you with a beautiful and professionally designed hardwood floor. They are also better prepared for unexpected situations, such as problems with the hardwood materials or uneven sanding of previous floors.

Hardwood floors are currently the most desired type of household floor. Hardwood floors cover 34% of floors in Houzz survey participants? homes. There are multiple hardwood floor types to choose from and they are easier to keep clean. Some hardwood flooring installation jobs are DIY capable, but you should always evaluate the size and level of difficulty of your hardwood floor installation.

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