With vinyl flooring samples in hand, you hope to make some decisions this weekend. Starting with two of the smallest rooms in the house, you have decided to pick new flooring options and paint color choices for both the laundry room and the shared bathroom between your tow daughter’s bedrooms. You are anxious to make a decision from the vinyl flooring samples that you are looking at so that you can select the paint colors. You have the work crew lined up to come in and lay the flooring, but you will be doing the painting yourself. The fact that the rooms are pretty small and that there are no real ceiling issues means that the painting should be very easy. First, however, you need to make a decision between the vinyl flooring samples so that can be ordered.
Every remodeling project involves many steps. So many steps, in fact, it is nearly impossible to make one decision without at least considering the other decisions that need to be made. Does it make any sense, for instance, to have someone come complete a carpet installation before you schedule someone to come in and refinish the hardwood flooring? With the mess that goes along with hardwood floor refinishing, in fact, many home owners might decide to take care of that task before replacing carpeting.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the carpet and flooring industries:
- 90% of homeowners prefer tile or hardwood in the kitchen.
- 44% of homeowners prefer carpet, however, when it comes to flooring selections for the bedroom.
- Vinyl flooring is one of the most resilient flooring materials available today, even though it was originally invented more than 80 years ago.
- 54% of home buyers are willing to pay more for a home with hardwood flooring, according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors.
- 51% of the total U.S. flooring market consists of the profits made from carpet sales.
- Of the homeowners who are renovating their kitchens, 71% are upgrading their flooring, according to a 2017 Houzz survey.
Whether you are getting ready to make selections for a new home or you are preparing to remodel a current home, you will likely have to make decisions about your flooring choices early in the process. Once flooring decisions have been made, wall colors can be made and you can finish with the entire process.
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