Why You Should Choose Polyaspartic Coatings Over Epoxy Coatings

As garage floor sealing companies know, your floor is an important thing, though its a component of homes and commercial and industrial buildings that is not too frequently given much conscious thought. Different types of flooring have different purposes, as garage floor sealing companies know, and must be given different treatments in order to keep them in the best condition possible.

Take, for just one example, epoxy coatings. Epoxy coatings are certainly not likely to be used in the typical residential home, but they are frequently used by garage floor sealing companies to provide residential floor coating for garage spaces. Epoxy coating also have an important use in many different industries throughout the country, providing a resilient commercial floor coating for many different industrial work spaces. Concrete floor coatings have many uses, as general contractors and garage floor sealing companies know, but what is it that makes epoxy coating itself so special and so able to be set apart from the rest?

Well, while epoxy coating have long been the industry standard and the standard for companies like garage floor sealing companies, polyaspartic coatings are beginning to overshadow epoxy coatings in a number of different ways, perhaps making the standard epoxy coatings not so special after all. For one, epoxy coatings are not nearly as durable as polyaspartic coatings. This can be seen by the fact that your typical epoxy coating can become brittle in as little as twelve months – just one single year – which is something that the standard polyaspartic coating is not at risk for to nearly the same extent.

Polyaspartic coatings are often far more efficient than epoxy coatings, as many garage floor sealing companies are beginning to realize. It’s not that it takes so long for an epoxy coating to dry – as little as four hours and only up to six hours at the most – it’s just that the typical polyaspartic coating can be completed so much more quickly, as it will dry and cure in an even shorter time period. Because of this, it is usually feasible to complete the application of polyaspartic coatings in just one day, though this will of course depend on a number of factors, such as the entire size of the space that is being coated. Polyaspartic coatings done by garage floor sealing companies, for instance, are likely to take hardly any time at all.

Polyaspartic coatings are also beneficial to your health – at least, far more beneficial than the standard epoxy coatings that were once so widespread throughout the United States. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of all polyaspartic coatings have a low concentration of volatile organic chemicals – commonly referred to as VOCs – in them, which helps to keep the air in any given space far less polluted than it would otherwise be. And it is important to understand the health impacts of volatile organic chemicals, which can cause an uptick in conditions like asthma, allergies, and chronic sinus infections. Being in a space where the concentration of volatile organic chemicals is high is far from good for your health, and this must be taken into consideration whent the type of coating for a floor is chosen. When choosing polyaspartic coatings, you can rest assured that you health will stay intact.

Polyaspartic coatings can also help to protect any given floor from damage, much in the same way that epoxy coatings do. In an industrial space or even in a personal garage space (as tends to be the domain of garage floor sealing companies), protection before damage can occur is far better than paying for repairs after they have already happened, something that is likely to reduce overall employee productivity and activity as well, particularly if such damage to the floor has occurred in an industrial setting, such as in the manufacturing industry.

From epoxy coatings to polyaspartic coatings, there are many benefits to coating your floor with such a protective material. However, there are more options than many people realize, and weighing the pros and cons of both will be essential in making your final decision of the best coating.

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