Elevators Aren’t Just For Convenience The Necessity Of Lifts For Aging In Place Home Renovations

We live in a world that’s accessible to some and walled off to others.

Technology is the bridge that links people of all shapes and sizes together. The elevator, in particular, is so common we tend to take it for granted. With the United States facing a rapidly aging population, the function of an elevator service is only becoming more important. These can take the form of moving walkways for high volumes of traffic or residential lifts in the comfort of a house. Elevators, just like any other form of technology, can always Be improved.

Elevator inspection needs to make sure everything is working as intended. Spot problems early and learn what kind of clients you’re going to be working with below.

While you can find elevators just about anywhere, it’s residential areas where they’re seeing a spike in installations. ‘Aging in place’ is a term used to denote elderly persons living out their golden years in the comfort of their own home. Residential living communities — or care homes — aren’t going out of fashion, but are simply being supplemented with ‘aging in place’ measures. A recent study cobbled together information on this trend over the past five years, finding many remodelers engaging in these practices. The National Association Of Home Builders (or NAHB) believes this will be one of the biggest issues faced by contractors yet.

With things changing so quickly, elevators are one resource you’ll want to implement now. By the time 2050 arrives the number of individuals using paid long-term care services is going to double. That’s around 12 million to over 25 million people in need of good elevator services and residential lifts. According to a recent survey, more than 90% of the elderly would much prefer to remain at home for as long as possible. Elevator service history provides you the means of making this dream into a reality.

Slip and fall incidents can happen to anyone. They can also happen anywhere…though the home is considered a prime location. Medical data has determined falls to be among the top causes of death or severe injury among the 65 and older crowd. These tend to happen in the bathroom, thanks to slippery tiles, though are also common on stairways and porches. Elevator inspection makes sure everyone is on the same page, despite differences in age and mobility.

Even the definition of disability is seeing some tweaks. The lifetime probability of becoming disabled in at least two activities of daily living is 70% for people over the age of 65. This also includes cognitive impairment — this ranges from mental illness to the onset of dementia. It’s easy to see why aging in place is such an attractive option, providing people the freedom to age peacefully while still living somewhere geared toward their health needs. A study found 60% of American builders adding aging in place modifications to their routine.

Chairlifts are not a luxury. They’re an essential part of nearly any building that sees elderly and disabled persons on a regular basis. Today over six and a half million community-resident Americans use assist devices to help with mobility, such as canes or wheelchairs. A survey provided by the National Association Of Home Builders stated 25% of homeowners listing elevators as a desirable feature. Your standard-size elevator ranges from 12 to 15 feet, with larger ones up to 17 or 18 feet.

What can elevator inspection do to help make a more accessible country? This is a question you can answer better by adding the lift service to your routine.

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