When and Why to Remodel Your Kitchen or Master Bathroom

Americans who own their houses have an advantage over those who rent their living spaces: they can hire kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling companies to update the hardware in their houses to refresh them. And sometimes, it goes beyond a kitchen remodel job; in 35% of home remodeling jobs, the entire house is being remodeled, to refresh the entire premises and create a consistent visual theme. Unique master bathrooms, unique kitchen remodels, and more may make a house feel like new, and this is often a smart investment to make. Such projects are too big for a homeowner to attempt alone, however, so a kitchen remodel jog is possible when remodeling contractors are hired to handle things. What might a homeowner expect when they get a kitchen or bathroom remodel job done? How is it such a good investment?

The Industry of Home Remodeling

There are some good reasons to have a home remodeled, such as the kitchen, master bathroom, master bedroom, and even the basement. Refreshing a home like this allows a homeowner to update it all to suit their changing tastes and needs, and a home may totally feel like new. Guests may be very impressed by what they see, and more importantly, so will potential home buyers. When (and if) a remodeled house is put on the real estate market for sale, the homeowner may ask for a higher price due to the remodeled rooms, and some buyers may be happy to pay for these renovated living spaces. The house may also sell faster than if no remodeling had been done, making kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling a great investment. A ROI, or return on investment, as high as 70-80% is possible in rooms like these.

Who hires these home remodeling crews? Homeowners of all ages are contacting them, but most often, older Americans aged 55 and over are paying for this work. Older homeowners such as Baby Boomers don’t move as often as younger homeowners, so they would rather invest in their current property. That, and older homeowners have had more time to save up for projects like this. Today, homeowners aged 55 and over outspend Millennial homeowners three to one on home remodeling, though that ratio may change in the future as Millennials approach middle age.

Remodeling Work

Whether a Millennial or their Baby Boomer parents, homeowners may look online to find these remodeling contractors, as well as consult local hardware staff for ideas. Good remodeling companies will have their own websites that homeowners may visit, complete with articles, videos, and photos showcasing their work (along with contact information and customer reviews). A homeowner may compare a few different companies before choosing one to hire, and setting up an appointment.

How does this work? If the homeowner is getting a total home remodeling job done, workers may need some time and will occupy the entire house, so a homeowner may plan this work around a vacation or business trip, when they won’t be at home anyway. Otherwise, the homeowner may ask crews to work on one or two rooms such as the kitchen or the master bathroom. If a homeowner can’t decide what the final results should look like, they can hire design-build companies, who offer interior design experts who help the homeowner plan out the final results.

A kitchen remodeling job involves electricians, plumbers, woodworkers, flooring experts, and more. Old floor tiles or linoleum can be removed and replaced with fresher materials, and the walls can be repainted. Experts can refinish, repaint, or simply replace cabinet doors, and lighting fixtures may be updated, too. The stove may be swapped out for a new model, and plumbers may install a brand new sink. Even the countertop can be replaced with a tough but attractive granite or marble model.

The master bathroom is not just a toilet room, but a place for showers, baths, and hair, cosmetic, and shaving work in front of the mirror. Here, the walls and tiles can be updated, and plumbers may swap out the old sink, toilet, tub, or shower with newer, low-flow models that save on water over time. Elderly homeowners may have a specialized tub installed, the type with an easy-access door on the side.

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