Industrial flooring solutions have been much needed throughout the United States for a very long time. After all, the industrial and manufacturing industries are hugely important and incredibly prevalent on a countrywide scale. For many people, the industrial world is the place in which they make their living. The right industrial flooring can very much make their experience a good one.
This is due to the fact that using the right industrial flooring can actually help to prevent slips and falls, which are unfortunately all too common in such work spaces. As a matter of fact, it has even been found that slips and falls call more accidents than anything else even in more public buildings like hotels and restaurants. And in various industrial facilities, more than one fifth of all slip and fall accidents will cause the employee in question to sustain an injury bad enough to cause them to miss as much as one full month of work, if not even more time than this. So will up to 85% of all worker’s comp claims relating to such incidents – and costing various places of work as much as a cumulative $70 billion on a yearly basis – incorporating the right industrial flooring is an absolute must. In this way, it is even likely to save money.
But what kind of industrial flooring should be used? After all, there are many types of such flooring out there. Concrete flooring is largely popular, thanks to the fact that concrete is incredibly durable and, with the right care, will very much stand the test of time. Therefore, it should come as no surprise in any sense of the world that concrete flooring is highly utilized all throughout the United States, as concrete floors are quite perfect indeed for various industrial purposes.
In addition to the concrete floor itself, a concrete floor coating is also likely to be used. Epoxy floor coatings in particular are quite commonplace, with epoxy coatings long having been the standard for commercial floor coatings all throughout the United States. However, a new type of floor coating is becoming known and widely used. Polyaspartic coatings, many will even say, are actually even better than epoxy floor coatings, something we can see quite clearly when we compare the two side by side.
For one thing, polyaspartic coatings are much longer lasting. While epoxy coatings have been sometimes known to become brittle in the span of just a year, polyaspartic coatings are a different story. Fortunately, polyaspartic coatings can withstand a great deal indeed, and often last considerably past this year marker. They’re also ready to use quite rapidly, curing even more quickly than the six to eight hours that it takes epoxy coatings to cure. This means that polyaspartic coatings are great for a working space that does not allow for a great deal of down time. With full installation able to be completed in the course of a single day, polyaspartic coatings are hugely economical and even hugely important to many a working space, to say the very least.
The health benefits of polyaspartic coatings for your industrial flooring is also a compelling factor in many cases. This is due to the fact that this type of floor coating is actually quite completely free from any volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs. VOCs, after all, can cause a great deal of harm when people are exposed to them over the course of a long period of time. In some floor coatings, such as epoxy coatings, their presence can begin to prove problematic. Fortunately, however, the alternative polyaspartic coatings do not come with nearly such a pronounced risk – or any risk at all, for that matter. Avoiding volatile organic compounds is a great reason, in and of itself, even without all of the other benefits that have been mentioned in detail above, to choose polyaspartic coatings over other types of floor coatings for your industrial flooring.
If you have concrete flooring in your facility, a concrete floor coating is likely to be hugely beneficial both for the safety of employees working in said facility as well as for the safety and preservation of the flooring itself.
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