If Your Roof Needs Repair or Replacement

A homeowner is responsible for all sorts of repair and inspection needs on their house, since a house is a large and complex piece of hardware. Problems may arise in the foundation, the siding or gutters, plumbing, drywall, HVAC system, and of course, the very roof. A roof should not be taken for granted, and new homeowners will soon realize that a roof is hardly an indestructible shield from the elements. And even if the roof isn’t damaged, it may be missing a lot of spray foam insulation, which will disrupt the house’s climate control. Fortunately, asphalt shingle roofing can be repaired when professional roofing crews are hired, and roofing contractors will know just what to do. Modern asphalt shingle roofing can be made more leak-proof and attractive, and in some cases, a homeowner may remove their asphalt shingle roofing entirely and have a whole new roof fitted on. Let’s not forget the gutters, either, which are an important accessory for asphalt shingle roofing during rain.

Issues With Asphalt Shingle Roofing

What might go wrong with your asphalt shingle roofing? A roof on a new construction home might not have any issues at first, but over time, any piece asphalt shingle roofing will start to accumulate some issues. To begin with, a roof may expand and contract as the temperature and humidity levels change during the year, for years on end. All this warping will crack and damage the roof over time, and shingles might even come loose or rot right off the roof. In other cases, trauma such as large tree branches falling on the roof, large hail, or even wind blown debris during a major storm may occur. Tornado and hurricane winds are known to blast off entire chunks of house roofs, or blow off the entire thing in one go. But it doesn’t take a tornado for a roof to start developing leaks, and this is among the most typical issues with asphalt shingle roofing.

When a roof riddled with cracks and holes experiences rain or melting snow, water is going to drip into the house and wreak havoc. This intruding water will warp and twist wood in the attic, not to mention encourage mold growth. As the water gets in deeper, it will strain the drywall, and that will require some repair work. Not to mention how dripping water may short out electrical components inside the walls. Eventually, this leaking water will pool on the floor or in the basement, and standing water will damage anything it touches. Also, squirrels are known to chew their way into attics (creating a hole), and then build nests in the air ducts and chew on electrical wires and plastic pipes. Finally, a worn out roof may leak a lot of air during winter or summer, and that will disrupt the climate control. This is especially true if the attic is missing spray foam insulation.

Clogged gutters, meanwhile, will not have proper water flow during rain, and so, too much water can pool on one part of the roof. All that heavy water can easily leak through cracks and holes, and water-loaded gutters might break free of the roof and become damaged.

Repair Work

Residential roof repair crews may be hired if the roof is leaking or missing tiles, or if squirrels have broken into the house. A homeowner can clear the gutters alone, but more advanced work requires professional help. Roof repair professionals can replace missing or damaged tiles on asphalt shingle roofing, and they can also pour liquid rubber products to seal all cracks and holes (and help prevent new ones from forming). This will take care of leaks. Such workers can also remove intruding squirrels, repair the hole that the squirrels chewed, and apply paint or glue that repels wildlife. Gutter repair services can repair damaged gutters or install new ones, which might carry more water than the old ones. And if a roof is very old or badly damaged, it may be more price-efficient in the long run to remove the entire thing and install a new one. The new roof may be asphalt single roofing, or a metal roof that is very tough and cheaper to install. They often last longer than shingle roofs, too.

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