Air, Organic Matter And Moisture The Key Ingredients For Perfect Soil

Soil for gardening

Landscaping is an art form. It requires an intimate knowledge of the earth as well as a conscientious approach to limited space and resources. Pairing these two fundamental elements together are what creates some of the most beautiful gardens, backyards and decks around. Knowing how to get the most out of your landscape supply will be the key to making sure hours of efforts aren’t indirectly flushed down the toilet. Before you start planning out the space of your dreams, learn below about gardening supplies (such as crushed concrete or fill dirt) so you can start off on the right foot.

Did You Know?

What benefits are there to landscaping? Quite a few. Landscaping has been found to increase a home’s resale value by at least 14%, though larger changes can net a boosted ROI. This is due to increasing the curb appeal of a home and making it more appealing while on the market. Compare this to competition that is more drab or lifeless at a glance. For those that have considered additional shrubbery or installing a garden, the benefits can be felt by everyone for years to come.

Trees And Plants

Your average landscape supply will have more than enough resources for you to create a veritable treasure trove of plant life right in your own backyard. Newly planted trees will require a circle of mulch anywhere between three to four feet in diameter. This gives them enough flexibility to grow healthy right off the bat. Spending a mere 5% of your home’s overall value on landscaping can net you an ROI of 150% or more.

Mulch And Soil

What kind of mulch do you need? Let’s keep it simple. There are two types available to you — organic and inorganic — and which one you should use depends on the plants. Soil is evaluated on two basic features, as well, and that’s fertility and texture. pH is a measure of the alkalinity of the soil and can range between 1.0 to 14.0. A neutral amount, however, is at 7.0. All in all, healthy soil will have 45% minerals, 25% water, 25% air and 5% organic matter. The perfect recipe for a perfect plant.

Rocks And Pebbles

Lastly, we have the effect a good array of rocks and pebbles can have on your set-up. While these are often used for aesthetic effect (indeed, there are entire industries dedicated to the art of arranging rocks for gardens and sidewalks), these can also have a positive impact on your plants. A one-inch layer of small rocks are proven to provide good weed control, perfect for your garden’s health in the long-term.

The Art Of Landscaping

No matter your needs or your budget, landscape supply has you covered. A beautiful garden or polished patio is proven to bolster your home’s ROI as well as its curb appeal. Plants and flowers leave a positive impact on our mental health and many turn to garden maintenance as a hobby when they need a break from the working world. Soil for gardening should be double-checked to make sure the pH levels are ideal for whatever you plan on planting. From fill dirt to crushed shell, there’s no limit to what you can do.

Let landscaping build a home in your heart this year.

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